Journal Entry 4

Date: 07-08.05.2024


  • Worked on first biome, dialogue, boss fight and partly second biome


  • I pulled basically an all nighter working on this, but the development is slower than I expected, maybe because it gets harder to test the game the more you add to it. The whole terrain being randomly generated doesnt help that either.
  • Rotating 2D sprites to face some point was harder than I expected, because the sprite kept rotating in wrong axis, making it disappear because it didn't have third dimension

Invested hours: 

  • Fish movement, spawning fishes, fish behaviour - 3 hours
  • Started working on fish sage and biome manager - 40 minutes
  • Figuring out why message box didn't work - 2 hours
  • Creating fish, seashell, speaking with sage, creating arena, moving bounds of camera - 3.5 hours
  • Working on boss - 5.75 hours
  • Finished boss and UI, working on new biome - 3 hours

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