Journal Entry 5

Date: 13-15.05.2024


  • Finished second and third biome
  • Added Main menu, UI, and fading screen
  • Bug fixes


  • When trying to raycast, I spent quite some time debugging because the ray was hitting the starting collider.
  • As always at the end of making something, I realised that some parts of the code have a bad structure, and that the overall quality of the code went down, especially at the end when I wanted to finish.
  • There are also many many things I would like to change or add, but I decided not to, because it would take too much time and wouldn't actually add anything significant.
  • Overall, I'm quite satisfied with the result, although the game ended up bit different than how I envisioned it at the beginning.

Invested hours: 

  • Working on second biome and enemy behaviour with raycasting - 2.5 hours
  • Managing camera borders, finishing enemy, adding sounds: 3 hours
  • Working on third biome, figuring out lightning and shadows: 3 hours
  • Finishing everything: 4.75 hours
  • Minor changes and bug fixes: 1 hour

Outcome: build attached to this post

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Overall interesting game without any major issue. The mushroom part was a bit confusing at the beginning.