Journal Entry 1

Date: 13.03.2024


  • Created one-page level design.


  • This took quite long. Firstly, it was hard to think of an idea, and secondly, it was hard to imagine what the one-page design should look like. The video from GDC Vault was nice, but he didn't do any level design, so it didn't help that much. Luckily, I managed to find a presentation from last years lecture, where feedback for these projects was discussed, which helped me a lot.
  • The creation itself went quite smoothly. I used Figma, as was recommended in the lab, and it worked great. Learning to work with it was very fast, and it had lot of helpful functions, especially the ability to group multiple objects together. Despite this, it took me quite a lot of hours, because I wanted it to be nicely arranged and also that everything would make sense to anyone who read it. 
  • All in all, it was an interesting experience, and actually quite fun.

Invested hours: 

  • Coming up with idea for the game: hard to estimate, as this was done in head, but around 1 hour
  • Creating the one page document: cca 7 hours
  • Writing devlog: 20 minutes


  • Project attached to this post in pdf,


ProjectA.pdf 5.8 MB
Mar 13, 2024

Get Project A

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